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Teachers & Students Love Aquaponics!

Urban Green Farms

Learn How Aquaponics Works!

Our Aquaponics Education Programs are designed to break from the conventional classroom and immerse students in a world of experiential learning.

Imagine yourself back when you were a student. You totter in, sit down, and dust-off a boring textbook. Now imagine yourself being asked to put down that textbook and immerse yourself in the wonders of hands-on science.

Using aquaponics as an educational tool, you’ll be interactively teaching valuable core subjects such as maths, science, biology, nutrition and more concepts. Best of all, you will inspire students with ideas that can really benefit humanity.

Aquaponics is a fun and easy way to engage students in sustainable technologies and alternative ways of growing food!

Curriculum that aligns with the Next Generation Science Standards. We encourage educators of all grade-levels to grow with aquaponics at their school!

Learn more about how you can create a project that educates future farmers and contributes to the sustainability of our planet.

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