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Aquaponics- the future of farming?

Urban Green Farms

Updated: Jul 11, 2021

Aquaponics - the future of farming?

Over the past twenty years our global population has exploded. We are living in dense cities and thriving metropolitan towns that are spreading further and further, day-by-day. We enjoy urban living and the convenience attached to it, yet we are truly sacrificing our innate connection with nature. We’re seeing less greenery and fragmented former tones of gardens and parks, all to make way for the sky highs and dwellings, we hope to find refuge in one day. We know what's happening, we can see it, feel it, and yet we all find it difficult to pinpoint exactly how we lost touch with what matters most. Perhaps it’s time to pose the big question, are individuals, families and millennials experiencing nature at all? Is anybody?

Farmers, growers and corporations are struggling with demand both domestically and overseas. Food supply shortages and mass population requirements have created questionable farming practices and chemicals, and unfortunately we are paying radical price.

Farming and agriculture was once a beautiful intimate relationship between humans and nature. We would crop fields and grow food for our entire community. We would share fruit and vegetables with our neighbours and appreciate the effort and hard work involved in nurturing this piece of edible deliciousness. There was no such thing as pesticides, insecticides or genetically modified crops. The term 'organic' was never mentioned; it was just FOOD. My grandfather cultivated and ate from his own garden, a product of time, patience and love. He lived till he was 90, stood healthy and tall, and instilled lessons of effort, value and reward.

It’s nice to stop and think about these past time cultivation practices, but one thing we really need to focus on is solving future problems. How do we (yes that’s us millennials, Gen Z, Gen whatever) start creating some kind of organic food security?

Here’s one small solution - Aquaponics!


Aquaponics is the combination of hydroponics (the art of soil-less growing of plants) and aquaculture (growing fish and aquatic animals), essentially fish and plants growing together in a symbiotic relationship. The fish waste provides an organic food source for the plants, and the plants naturally filter the water for the fish! Quite simply, you'll never have to clean your fish tank again!

What does this mean?

Aquasprouts offers you the chance to take control of your own food source, it enables you to grow fresh, organic produce in the comfort of your own home or apartment. High density living, no longer means sacrificing greenery in your home. You can grow plants in a very small space, and have a promising indoor farm.

What can I grow?

Some ideas to get you started include lettuce, kale, watercress, decorative flowers, mint, herbs, spring onions, leek, radishes, spinach and many other small vegetables.

Is it environmentally friendly?

Aquaponics uses less water than traditional farming methods. Research has shown that aquaponic gardens use 1/10th of the water you would use for soil garden. Water is used in a closed system and circulated effectively, reducing consumption and waste. Plants grow fast because they get very nutritious substances from the fish waste. Plants and fish production can be done in a controlled temperature environment meaning there are less external environmental issues to adapt to.

Is Aquaponics safe?

Regular gardening pesticides or other chemicals can’t be used because they would harm the fish.There is no need to use fertilisers because the fish provide rich nutrients for the plants, and vice versa. You won’t experience any soil borne diseases in aquaponics because there is no soil.This results in fresh, healthy and organic vegetables.

What about my kids?

Aquaponics is an exciting addition to any family, it can be used to educate and inspire future generations to adapt a sustainable lifestyle. The aquarium is a family classic, and is now being transformed into a thriving indoor garden for the whole family to enjoy day in and day out.

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